
Age 16+
  • A doctor is always available during clinic hours. No appointment required — Just walk in.
  • Current wait time is approximately 15 minutes (refreshed every 5 minutes).
  • Clinic is open Monday through Saturday from 8 AM to 6 PM.
  • Services offered in English, اردو, हिंदी and ਪੰਜਾਬੀ.
  • For patients ages 16+ who do not have a general practitioner or are unable to access their general practitioner or specialist with any acute or chronic medical condition.

Our Salient Services

Medicine Refills & Blood Tests

Cough & Shortness of Breath Clinic

Back Pain, Osteoporosis & Arthritis Clinic

UTI, STI & Sexual Dysfunction (ED) Clinic

Asthma & COPD Specialist Clinic

Lung Function Test (PFT), Tuberculosis (T.B) Test

Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Red Eye, Rash & Shingles

Diabetes, Obesity, PCOS, Thyroid & Hormone


``An Internist is a specialist trained in the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of diseases in adults involving all organ systems, and is proficient in the medical management of patients who have undifferentiated or multi-system disease processes. An Internist cares for hospitalized and ambulatory patients, and may play a role in teaching and/or research.``

``Internists provide diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of presentations and conditions, involving all organ systems, in hospitalized as well as ambulatory adult patients. They also provide medical management for patients who have undifferentiated or multi-system disease processes. Internists provide care for patients who are critically ill, who have acute presentations of illness, and/or who have chronic medical conditions, including acute exacerbation or decompensation of chronic conditions. Internists, therefore, manage a broad range of conditions with varying levels of complexity, across all organ systems, often with the presence of multiple conditions in the same patient. Specialists in Internal Medicine practise in a wide variety of clinical settings, ranging from outpatient clinics to inpatient wards, critical care/coronary care units and emergency departments, and in urban, rural, and remote settings. Internists act as a resource to others; they consult with family physicians, emergency physician,surgeons, and other specialists in order to assist in diagnosis or treatment. Internal Medicine serves as the training foundation for physicians preparing to practise either as generalists in Internal Medicine, or in any one of 17 medical subspecialty areas.``

Research & Innovation

We are in a process to build and innovative AI based EMR where day to day patients
interactions with their healthcare providers, history of present illness, history of chronic
conditions , physical examination, prescription information current and historical , laboratory
data , imaging and consultation reports by other healthcare providers will be integrated in
real time to reach sound medical decisions for ongoing medical care of a patient.
This innovative EMR product will allow any stakeholders in a patient circle of care to access
holistic medical records at any time from any device connected with the world wide web.
This will automate most of the healthcare decisions about preventative care and will push all
stakeholder to reach healthcare goals following standard guidelines. This will make health
care safe, comprehensive and patient centered.

Head Office

574 Upper James St, Hamilton, ON L9C 2Y6, Canada



